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1682 1685 1691 1706
1708 1712 1717 1721
1722 1731 1733 1734
1735 1737 1745 1747
1751 1754 1757 1761
1765 1767 1768 1769
1770 1775 1778 1785
1786 1788 1789 1791
1792 1797 1798 1799
1800 1801 1804 1805
1807 1816 1826 1832
1855 1857 1868 1871
1874 1878 1882 1888
1889 1893 1896 1897
1898 1899 1901 1902
1904 1908 1910 1911
1912 1913 1914 1916
1919 1920 1921 1922
1951 1953 1962 1967
1975 1977 1979 1987

To read facts about each South Carolina County click here, then click on the county to be taken to information provided by the US Census Bureau.

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